The sun-drenched spring air infuses the tangle of woods the beavers call home, beckoning the family to venture out of their cozy burrows. The meager winter diet of buds and dry twigs gives way to a juicy salad of lily pads and fresh leaves. The urge to build is awakened, and the industrious carpenters are soon at work. Yet above the rustle of branches and the smack of tails on wet mud, a hammer can be heard. In a nearby maple forest, farmers are hacking away at the thick trunks, creating channels through which the sugar-laden sap can flow. The beavers, however, work tirelessly. They work in tandem, the beavers building lodges while the farmers harvest the sweet sap, guiding it to a sugar shack where alchemy will transform it into a rich, golden syrup.
Evoking the arrival of spring, Zoologist Beaver Maple Edition combines fresh florals with the delicious sweetness of cocoa-infused maple syrup. Amidst smoky woods, tinged with vetiver and patchouli, castoreum and vanilla offer a peaceful haven. Like the carefully constructed hut of a family of beavers, this fragrance offers warmth while hinting at hidden depths.